Our clinic mission is to offer the best services in the dental area, our vision is that the dental and aesthetic health of your teeth is excellent in the long term of your life.
Nuestra clínica tiene como misión ofrecer los mejores servicios en el área odontológica, nuestra visión es que la salud dental y estética de tus dientes sea excelente a largo plazo en tu vida.
Anyone with Cal Optima or Denti-Cal. Take advantage of the option of having a free dentist.
We accept most insurance, we accept Medical. We work with two financial companies: Care Credit & Lending Club. As a patient you can pay how your treatment is performed in payments. We have the following insurers: CIGNA, United Concordia, Delta Dental PPO, Metlife, Ameritas, Aetna.
Aceptamos la mayoría de aseguranzas, aceptamos Medical. Trabajamos con dos compañías financieras: Care credit & lending club. Como paciente puedes ir pagando como se va realizando tu tratamiento en pagos. Contamos con las siguientes aseguradoras: Cigna, United Concordia, Delta Dental PPO, Metlife, Ameritas, Aetna.
Our services will leave you satisfied, we use cutting-edge technology and professionals with knowledge in the dental field, for your dental satisfaction. Every day we perform dental services to become a clinic recognized for its excellence and details.
Nuestros servicios lo dejarán satisfecho, utilizamos tecnología de punta y profesionales con conocimiento en el campo odontológico, para su satisfacción dental. Cada día realizamos servicios odontológicos para convertirnos en una clínica reconocida por su excelencia y detalles.
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With retaines.
“It is an excellent dental clinic, its service is very professional, you can opt for any service that Latinos Dental Group offers, and you will not regret it, it has the best cutting-edge equipment, a professional team, for the dental health, I totally recommend it.”
Patient/ Paciente
by Gaceta Dental
by Oral Health Foundation